About Us

We are dedicated to helping you succeed when you apply for college, jobs, or anything. Our profile pages show the real you. Not just academic and professional credentials, but also your passions, pursuits, heart, and soul.


Helping you is our only mission. Unlike most websites, we are not beholden to advertisers, we will never clutter your page with ads, and we will never sell your data.


We are also dedicated to making the world a better place. We do that by recognizing and encouraging everything that you and everyone are doing to make a difference, as well as donating a generous 20% of your subscription fee to the charitable cause of your choice.


ProfilesForHumanity.org is a dba of ChangingThePresent-Profiles Inc., a Delaware corporation. It is operated in collabonation with ChangingThePresent.org, which is the dba under which ImportantGifts Inc., a (501)(c)(3)nonprofit organization, operates.


The New YorkTimes called ChangingThePresent, "an amazon.com of the nonprofit world."