Students and Graduates in India:
Improve Your Chances
When You Apply to Universities and for Jobs
in the United States, U.K., Canada, and Australia
Students and Graduates in India:
Improve Your Chances
When You Apply to Universities and for Jobs
in the United States, U.K., Canada, and Australia
Please share this opportunity with friends and classmates, including students and graduates who are job-hunting in the West. You can help them, and earn a generous referral fee when they join.
Profiles for Humanity provides the easiest, most affordable, and effective way to improve your online reputation.
Your compelling, personalized profile on our website will improve your prospects when you apply to jobs in the United States, UK, Canada, and Australia.
Applying to Universities Outside of India
What Universities
Look For in Applicants
Universities want to know the real you
Universities in the United States, U.K., Canada, and Australia are looking for more than grades and test scores. Instead, they take a more holistic approach, and they consider a broad range of factors.
This is a very competitive job market.
The white-collar job market has become increasingly competitive due to several factors, including the growing number of college graduates, globalization, outsourcing, technological advancements, and automation. In the U.S. tech sector, alone, more than 387,000 workers were laid off in 2022 and 2023. Additionally, job postings have fallen by nearly 500,000 since the end of 2022. The situation is so dire that nearly half of the workers self-reported that they were concerned about losing their employment.
Employers want to know the real you.
They are increasingly looking for candidates who possess a well-rounded set of skills and qualities that go beyond formal qualifications. They want to know what you are passionate about, your interests, activities, and personal accomplishments. They also value candidates who align with their company's culture and values and who demonstrate ethical behavior, trustworthiness, and a commitment to high standards. In short, they want to know the real you.
Universities Care About
Your Online Reputation
Universities will research you online
Many university admissions offices search applicants online. It is therefore more important than ever for you to present a vivid online portrait of yourself as the type of student they seek.
Employers will research you online.
A survey commissioned by Microsoft states that:
Because so many employers search applicants online, a positive online presence has become essential. Your online profile can make the difference between getting the job offer you want and continuing to search fruitlessly.
Applying for Employment Outside of India
What Employers
Look For in Applicants
Employers want to know the real you
In today's challenging job market, employers are looking beyond professional and academic credentials.
This is a very competitive job market.
The white-collar job market has become increasingly competitive due to several factors, including the growing number of college graduates, globalization, outsourcing, technological advancements, and automation. In the U.S. tech sector, alone, more than 387,000 workers were laid off in 2022 and 2023. Additionally, job postings have fallen by nearly 500,000 since the end of 2022. The situation is so dire that nearly half of the workers self-reported that they were concerned about losing their employment.
Employers want to know the real you.
They are increasingly looking for candidates who possess a well-rounded set of skills and qualities that go beyond formal qualifications. They want to know what you are passionate about, your interests, activities, and personal accomplishments. They also value candidates who align with their company's culture and values and who demonstrate ethical behavior, trustworthiness, and a commitment to high standards. In short, they want to know the real you.
Employers Care About
Your Online Reputation
Employers will research you online
Most employers search applicants online, so be sure to present a vivid online portrait of yourself as the type of employee they seek.
Employers will research you online.
A survey commissioned by Microsoft states that:
Because so many employers search applicants online, a positive online presence has become essential. Your online profile can make the difference between getting the job offer you want and continuing to search fruitlessly.
Get a Compelling Profile Page
What Will Universities and Employers See When They Search You Online?
Be Sure They Discover How Impressive You Are!
Show them everything that makes you unique
You will gain a distinct advantage when they see that multi-dimensional, likable, impressive picture of who you are, when they see what you care about and what you are doing to make a difference, and when they recognize that your values align with theirs.
Here is the easiest and most effective way to improve your online reputation, which will help when you apply for universities, internships, and jobs. Your profile page will:
This is just a portion of a profile page. See a full sample page here.
The Best Investment in Your Future
is Even Better Today
“If you're not paying
for the product,
you are the product.”
-- Tristan Harris, former Google design ethicist
Why We Charge
a Small Annual Subscription Fee
Other websites cater to advertisers.
We cater to you.
We put your interests first!
Most websites fill pages with ads and sell user data. That makes them beholden to advertisers, and it compromises your interests.
Profiles for Humanity, on the other hand, is dedicated to serving you. We will never put ads on your profile page and we do not sell your data. In lieu of taking money from advertisers, we cover our costs by charging subscribers like you a very small annual fee.
Sign Up Right Now to
Save Money Three Ways
Early adopters get a discounted price,
second year free, and big referral commissions.
Why you should sign up today
You are one of the few people fortunate enough to discover this site when it first launched. Sign up right now to get two great incentives during our very brief introductory period:
1. Get our deeply-discounted introductory rate of just $20 (about ₹1650) per year. The profile's page help in getting into your dream university and then getting a great job (and getting it faster) makes this a great investment in your future.
2. Get a second year for FREE.
3. Earn a whopping 20% affiliate fee (commission) when others use your personal link to sign up. See our 'Profile Partner' program.
These three benefits are available for a limited time only, so be sure to sign up now.
Help the World While You Help Yourself
A Generous 20% of Your Subscription Fee Will Go to Support
Your Favorite Charitable Cause
Your profile page helps you, and it also makes the world a better place
Many businesses boast that they donate 1% of revenue to charity. We are far more generous!
Take great pride in knowing that a full 20% of your subscription fee will go to Changing The Present, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to help it support nonprofits addressing your own favorite cause. You get to choose from among those shown below.
Sign Up Now!
It's quick and easy!
Just click the cause you want to support below, make the small discounted payment to get your page for a full year (plus a free bonus year), and complete the easy submission form. (That's right: no design or coding are required).
Your impressive new online presence and brighter future await!
Our Nonprofit Partner
About Our
Nonprofit Partner
We partner with Changing The Present
The New York Times called it, "an of the nonprofit world."
"An of the nonprofit world"
Meaningful Gifts Make a Difference
We help nonprofits and schools—all of which urgently need more funding—capture some of the $450 billion fortune Americans spend each year on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents. We will later expand internationally.
How we do it: by making the experience of a donation, which you give in a friend's name, feel like a rewarding present and a great alternative to buying yet more unwanted merchandise.
Imagine the impact as more and more people adopt this meaningful type of giving! Each 1% of the money now spent on presents in the U.S., alone, would be $4.5 billion per year to do good.
Be sure to create a charitable wish list to show what you care about and to encourage this type of meaningful giving.
Here are a few of our thousands of charitable gifts from hundreds of outstanding nonprofits. Help your favorite nonprofit or school capture some of the money now spent on presents. Just say the word, and we will gladly prioritize an invitation to them.
Feed a child
Cancer research
Protect an Acre
Human Rights
Stop sexual abuse
Shelter animals
Another Opportunity:
Virtual Internships
Make a difference & enhance your resume
Great virtual internships with a prestigious American nonprofit give you experience and enhance your resume.
We offer internships with three great benefits:
We have two opportunities for students in India or elsewhere overseas. (Students who are already in the U.S., including graduates on OPT, should see these internships).